Fall Material

Heavy Bullhide
We searched high and low to bring you the perfect Bullhide... thick, heavy, and dense, but still supple, giving you that ideal smooth throw and rewarding smack.
Bullhide is a must-have if you're into thud. Nothing else gives that deep, penetrating hit that rocks the whole body.
It also takes very well to detailing. Wide braids give even more thud, while rivets or grommets add a sharp bite to the weight of the throw. Our Looped Tip design gives the maximum thud - our customers say it's like being punched! Other especially pleasing combinations are braided tips, woven falls, or even pairing with raw hemp rope for that added texture. We stock classic black, red, pink, turquoise, and purple, with dark green, navy, tan, cream, burgundy, and brown available for custom order.

Versatile Cowside
Nothing is as widely-ranged as Cowside. From a medium hit to a sharp sting and everything in between, Cowside gives you the option. Our most popular leather, it takes to detailing like a duck takes to water - perfectly and with enthusiasm.
From doubled woven falls which give an eye-catching contrast and heavier hit, to the ultimate in sting of our Split Tips, the possibilities are endless. Rings or Cogs can be added to the ends of each fall, giving a whole nother level of sensation - not for the faint of heart! Other options include thin woven falls, pointed tips, woven or braided tips, or grommets and rivets.
Cowside is also the most diverse leather in color. We stock Black, Blue, Turquoise, Purple, Red, Pink, Orange, Yellow, Green, Brown, and White at all times, with almost every other hue available for custom order!

Sensual Elkhide
Elkhide is unique in that it's thick but incredibly soft and plush. Everyone should have at least one Elkhide flogger in their collection. Nothing comes close in sensation to this wonderful leather!
Perfect for sensation play, a warm-up flogger, or even as a teasing caress on already tender flesh, Elkhide falls across the skin like warm velvet. Most commonly purchased with unadorned falls, it can nonetheless be detailed, with braided tips, fully looped falls, or even full length braids.
We keep classic black and buckskin colors on hand, with white and various shades of brown and cream available for custom order.

Silky Deerskin
Deerskin is an incredibly silky leather. Fine and thin, it does best as a mop flogger, with a plethora of falls cascading from it's handle. A Deerskin flogger is the ultimate in luxuriousness.
A soft whisper against the skin, Deerskin is sensuous and opulent. The lush, silken falls caress and tease on every contact.
Our most requested colors are black and red, with pink, purple, blue, turquoise, dark green, gray, white, golden, and a range of browns and creams available for custom order.

Tactile Hair-On Hide
Hair-On Hide is a sensation category all its own. Tiny hairs can be alternatively coarse and smooth, depending on the direction they interact with the skin.
Hair-On Hide is on the stingy side of the spectrum, with a unique scratchy feel similar to raw hemp rope. A very specialized type of sensation play, we offer these for sale as a rarity. Shades of brown and cream are the most common colors, with occasional dyed or printed hides available.

Plush Rabbit Fur
Soft, plushy, fluffy - Rabbit Fur is perfect for teasing! You won't find any fake furs or furry cloths here - we pride ourselves on offering only the genuine article.
Whether teasing before a scene or sliding over hot, aching flesh after, nothing can match the feathery caress of Rabbit Fur against the skin. Sliding over those sensitive, naughty areas, these floggers are sure to illicit a gasp.
When paired with leather, these fur floggers suddenly have a bit of bite with their tickle. We stock black and red furs, with a plethora of colors available for custom order, such as solid purple, pink, orange, green, blue, honey, and sage, and printed leopard, tiger, zebra, and black-tipped cherry.

Rough Hemp Rope
Hemp Rope is wonderful for sensation play. The raw fibers lend a scratchy feel to each hit, giving a unique experience.
We use both 4mm rope and unwoven 6mm rope to provide different textures. Hemp Rope is also wonderful when paired with leather, especially Bullhide, lending a thud to its scratch!
Hemp Rope is naturally cream colored. However, as we offer hand-dyed Hemp Shibari Rope, we may on occasion make a dyed rope available for flogger use.