All New Floggers!
Paleopunk has over a dozen new floggers available, and more being made! Visit our site for details!
VIP Sneak Peek!
Five new items are available on our VIP-Only Page! Our VIPs get an exclusive 7-day first look on all of our new items, with 10% Off,...
Handcrafted Glass Plugs
Those of you who saw last weeks sneak peek might have noticed a new Paleopunk line.... Glass Plugs! These gorgeous and unique handcrafted...
VIP Sneak Peek!
Five new items are available on our VIP-Only Page! Our VIPs get an exclusive 7-day first look on all of our new items, with 10% Off,...
And... we're Back! Almost!
After a year of rebuilding after the robbery (detailed in a previous blog post), our new Woodshop is finally coming together! All of our...