And... we're Back! Almost!
After a year of rebuilding after the robbery (detailed in a previous blog post), our new Woodshop is finally coming together! All of our tools and machinery have been replaced, the new workshop location put in place, and most - though admittedly not all - of the little things that make day-to-day work possible have been acquired. We've even expanded our horizons a little, and will be able to bring you even more unique and Paleopunk-eccentric items in the near future!
The heat of the summer is upon us, and for those of you who know East County, you know what it's like... 100°+ weather! This puts a bit of a damper on our progress, but in the meantime, we are stabilizing and dying burls, getting some resin hybrid projects started, and a variety of other small tasks that can be completed in the A/C. In the meantime, you might have noticed a special something being offered, if you follow us on Fetlife - we've been collaborating with a local glassblower and good friend, and have created some rather stunning pieces that you might be interested in! Check out our VIP List for the Sneak Peek (a week's early chance to snag new items, plus 10% off!). What is this contraption and what does it do? What will the end result be? Check back to find out!